الأربعاء, مارس 25, 2015
تحويل PDF إلى Microsoft Word
تحويل PDF إلى Microsoft Word، مع الاحتفاظ بمحتويات النص الأصلي، الرسوم البيانية والصور والتخطيطات، والنص، وحتى الجداول، وصلات والكائنات الرسومية مثل الخط، ومنحنى مستطيل تحته خط. يمكن فتح مستندات Word تحويلها الى Word 2003 و Word 2007 و 2010 Wordو Word 2013.
تحويل PDF إلى Word والنص
لأنه يحول PDF إلى Microsoft Word مع جميع محتويات، بما في ذلك النصوص والصور والجداول وغيرها من العناصر، والحفاظ عليها من PDF الأصلي. كما أنه يتيح لك استخراج وتحويل PDF إلى نص عادي، مع محتويات النص الوحيدة المحفوظة في الانتاج. TXT الملفات.

Simpo PDF to Word Converter makes it easier to reuse the contents, such as text, tables and graphics, images or entire PDF documents, as it is able to convert the read-only PDF file to editable Microsoft Word, with all original contents retained well in converted Word documents so that you can spend less time retyping, copying and pasting. It also works as a PDF to Text converter to extract plain text from PDF and save as .txt.
Quickly convert Adobe PDF files to editable Microsoft Office Word documents.
- Retain text formatting, tables, graphics and images
- Combine two converters - PDF to Word & PDF to Text
- Convert PDF to Word in 500% faster speed
- Convert a collection of PDF files, up to 200 files at a time
Convert PDF to Microsoft Word
Convert PDF to Microsoft Word, while retaining original text contents, graphs and charts, images and layouts, superscript, subscript, drop caps, and underlined text, even the tables, hyperlinks and graphic objects like Line, Curve and Rectangle. The converted Word documents can be opened in Word 2003, Word 2007, Word 2010 and Word 2013.
Convert PDF to Word and Text
It not only converts PDF to Microsoft Word with all contents, including text, images, tables and other elements, preserved from original PDF; it also lets you extract and convert PDF to plain text, with only text contents saved in output .txt files.
Efficiently convert PDF files to Word
500% faster speed to convert PDF files to Word, so it helps to convert a multi-page PDF in seconds; and you can import a batch of PDF files and convert up to 200 PDF files at a time; to convert selected specific pages from a PDF file, you just need to enter the page numbers and Simpo PDF to Word will convert them to Word efficiently.
Convert encrypted PDFs to Word
Direct converting encrypted PDF files with restrictions of copying, printing, and editing; if the PDF is password-protected from opening, Simpo PDF to Word Converter also lets you convert the PDF to Word after entering the right password to unlock it first.
More functionalities to convert PDF to Word
A. Multi-languages supported. Simpo PDF to Word Converter supports English, Italian, Portuguese, German, French, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and Simplified Chinese; B. Standalone. You needn't extra install Microsoft &Office Word, Adobe® Acrobat or Reader to convert any PDF files with this PDF to Word converter; C. Friendly interface. You can convert a PDF to Word in three simple steps, run the program > add PDF files > convert.
What's new in Simpo PDF to Word 3.5.2:
1. Make it easier for users to register the program to full version.
لتحميل البرنامج
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